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: Program to End Modern Slavery FY 2023




January 20, 2023



January 1, 2099



Award Floor:


Match Required?





Entity Types:

Nonprofits (with 501(c)(3) status), Public & State controlled institutions of higher education

Any commercial, international, educational, or non-profit organization(s), including any faith-based, community-based, or public international organization(s) are eligible to apply if and when a Statement of Intent and/or a Notice of Funding Opportunity is published. Lack of past experience with U.S. Department of State cooperative agreements, grants, or contracts does not bar eligibility. All applicants for TIP Office funding opportunities must have a valid Unique Entity Identifier (formerly the Data Universal Numbering System or DUNS). Although not required for submission of an application via SAMS Domestic on, a valid UEI number is required for organizations selected for an award. Organizations should verify their UEI number or take the steps needed to obtain one as soon as possible. Instructions for obtaining a UEI number can be found at

Note: This is a Notice of Intent. An announcement is not related to this notice. The U.S. State Department s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) is not accepting applications at this time. Please review the attached notice for full details. Background: The goal of PEMS is to measurably and substantially reduce the prevalence of human trafficking in targeted populations in partner countries and jurisdictions through innovative interventions driven by research, monitoring, evaluation, and learning, and the expansion of partnerships. PEMS-funded efforts conduct scientifically rigorous research to establish evidence on the effects of anti-trafficking programs on the reduction of the prevalence of human trafficking through the advancement of rigorous research methods. This includes sound prevalence measurement; strong monitoring and evaluation practices; evidence-based programming; and the application of survivor-centered and trauma-informed approaches. The U.S. Congress has appropriated $25 million annually since Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 for PEMS, totaling $200 million to date. The TIP Office is interested in funding projects that utilize Intervention Development Research (IDR) to conduct research and pilot targeted programming to effectively prevent and respond to human trafficking. IDR employs various qualitative and quantitative methodologies to identify the complex systems in which human trafficking occurs, determine modifiable elements of the crime, including risk and protective factors; develop a theory of change; and design and pilot interventions to develop an intervention model that can be scaled-up and/or adapted for other settings. Local partnerships and utilization of methods of co-creation and participatory research are core elements of IDR. Local actors must play an active role in all phases of the project, from planning and development through implementation of the intervention. Please read the full notice attached.




Source Type:


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