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Chatlos Foundation

Chatlos Foundation







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The Chatlos Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations All across different areas (below). Placement of an organization within the category of interest is determined by the organization's overall mission rather than the project under consideration.Bible Colleges/Seminaries: Grants to Bible colleges and seminaries total 33% of Foundation distribution. Grants in this category range from $5,000 to $20,000. To assure the Foundation that the philosophy of the institution is consistent with that of the Foundation, potential recipients are asked to sign a Statement of Faith.Religious Causes: Grants to religious organizations total 30% of Foundation distribution. Grants in this category range in size from $5,000 to $15,000.Liberal Arts Colleges: Grants to liberal arts colleges total 7% of Foundation distribution. Grants in this category range in size from $2,500 to $7,500. Priority consideration is given to private colleges.Medical Concerns: Grants to medical organizations total 26% of Foundation distribution. Grants in this category range in size from $5,000 to $15,000.Social Concerns: Grants to organizations involved in social concerns total 4% of distribution. History has shown that grants in this category range in size from $2,000 to $5,000. This category encompasses secular community programs which provide direct services such as child welfare, vocational training, prison alternatives, concerns for the aged and disabled, and men, women and families in crisis.There are no s for submission of a grant request and all requests are responded to in writing. The review and approval process takes approximately 120 days.Any US based non-profit organization, that falls within the foundation guidelines, is welcome to submit a proposal for considerationWhen a proposal is received, it is scheduled for the next Preliminary Review Committee, which meets monthly. This review determines if the proposal will be reviewed by the full board of trustees for possible funding.The foundation expects a cover letter, proposal and their application form to be submitted. There are forms and samples on the website. The foundation does not desire LOI's. 9/10




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