Cleanup, Remediation, and Watershed Enhancement Funding Opportunity
Department of Fish and Wildlife
January 9, 2023
Dependant on number of submissions received, application process, etc.
Award Floor:
Match Required?
Entity Types:
Nonprofit, City or township governments, County governments, Independent School Districts, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
CDFW is seeking high quality grant proposals that support the enhancement of watersheds and communities in areas impacted by cannabis cultivation. Grants are provided through the Environmental Restoration and Protection Account pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 34019(f)(2)(A). This Solicitation Solicitation focuses on planning, cleanup and remediation, or implementation projects across multiple project types outlined herein.; Proposals to remediate and/or enhance watersheds and communities may include the following: road decommissioning, road crossing upgrades, erosion and sediment delivery prevention actions, culvert upgrades, water conservation, cleanup and remediation of impacts due to illicit cannabis operations on private and qualified public lands, and/or enhancing biodiversity and wildlife habitat within watersheds, among other projects in similar nature. Cleanup and Remediation on Qualified Public Land should focus on the severe impacts of illicit cannabis operations and reduce delivery of contaminants and waste to the environment by removing refuse and infrastructure associated with illegal cannabis cultivation . Projects can include the removal of stream crossings or water diversion infrastructure associated with illegal cannabis cultivation. Activities that may be eligible through this Solicitation under Cleanup and Remediation on Private Land will reduce delivery of environmental contaminants and waste into the watershed by removing refuse and infrastructure associated with illegal cannabis cultivation on private land. Projects can include the removal of stream crossings or water diversion infrastructure associated with illegal cannabis cultivation. Activities that may be eligible through this Solicitation under Road Treatments include, but are not limited to: road upgrading, road decommissioning, culvert and road crossing upgrades, and other sediment prevention delivery actions. Road Treatment projects must be necessary due to cannabis cultivation activities within a watershed. Activities that may be eligible through this Solicitation under Wildlife and Habitat Enhancements include but are not limited to: preventing accidental injury/death; habitat improvements for birds, bats, and pollinators; poisoning prevention with rodenticides, limiting human disturbance to wildlife, minimizing the spread of invasive species, enhancing native habitat, habitat connectivity, and fire resilience. Activities that may be eligible through this Solicitation under Water Conservation include but are not limited to: off-channel water storage, groundwater storage and conjunctive use, irrigation efficiencies, and stream gauges to ensure sufficient flow and water quality prior to water being available for irrigation.