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FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Eastern States (ES) Recreation and Visitor Services Program




November 6, 2023



January 31, 2024





Award Floor:



Match Required?





Entity Types:

State governments, County governments, City or township governments, Special district governments, Independent school districts, Public & State controlled institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Public housing authorities, Native American tribal organizations, Nonprofits (with 501(c)(3) status), Nonprofits (without 501(c)(3) status)

Individuals and For-Profit Organizations are ineligible to apply for awards under this NOFO.This program NOFO does not support entities hiring interns or crewsunder the Public Lands Corps Act of 1993. The Public Lands Corps Act of 1993, 16 USC, Chapter 37, Subchapter II-Public Lands Corps, is the only legislative authority that allows BLM to "hire" internsunder this authority. Therefore, eligible Youth Conservation Corps may only apply for projects developed under NOFO 15.243 BLM Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands.CESUs are partnerships with a purpose to promote, conduct, and provide research, studies, assessments, monitoring, technical assistance, and educational services. If a cooperative agreement is awarded to a CESU partner under a formally negotiated Master CESU agreement which is consistent with the CESU purpose, indirect costs are limited to a rate of no-more-than 17.5 percent of the indirect cost base recognized in the partner;apos;s Federal Agency-approved Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). Applicants should specify if their proposal furthers the purpose of the CESU program, and if so which CESU Network should be considered as host.

The BLM’s Eastern States (ES) Recreation and Visitor Services Program oversees a broad and
complex set of recreation related programs that provide a multitude of recreation opportunities
and experiences. These recreation resources and visitor services support strong local economies
and public land conservation. As the BLM works to enhance recreational opportunities, we
strive to remain a good neighbor and partner.
The BLM manages recreation resources and visitor services to offer the greatest benefits possible
to individuals and communities and to better enable communities to achieve their own desired
social, economic, and environmental outcomes. BLM public lands—once described as “the
lands nobody wanted”— are now recognized as America’s Great Outdoors, a “Backyard to
Backcountry” treasure. They are uniquely accessible. More than 120 urban centers and thousands
of rural towns are located within 25 miles of BLM lands. The BLM manages approximately 1 of
every 10 acres in the US for multiple use; spanning Recreation Areas, Off-Highway Vehicle
areas, and other management designations. In addition, close to 35 million acres are managed as
National Conservation Lands including National Monuments, National Conservation Areas,
Wilderness, Wilderness Study Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and National Scenic & Historic
Recreation use on BLM-managed public lands continues to increase, as do its impacts. Visitation
patterns are changing, too. In response, the BLM began a bold new strategy in 2022 to address
these challenges head on. The resulting plan – the BLM’s Blueprint for 21st Century Outdoor
Recreation (Blueprint) – employs four strategic pillars that guide the BLM to grow and diversify
funding for BLM Recreation; prioritize and embrace partnerships; expand outreach and establish
a culture of inclusion; and meet the demand, protect resources, and improve access. Through the
Blueprint, BLM is establishing a new vision to proactively manage for exceptional and unique
recreational experiences that invite all to share in the enjoyment and stewardship of their public




Source Type:


Tired of searching for grants? Consider a Scouting Report.

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