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OIA Technical Assistance Program 2024




October 26, 2023



March 15, 2024





Award Floor:



Match Required?





Entity Types:

Exclusive - See Details

Eligible applicants are non-federal entities such as local government agencies (including utilities)in Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau;andhospitals/health centers,institutions of higher education and any non-profit organizations whose projects directly benefit the seven insular areas in accordance with Federal regulations contained in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Part 200 "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards" or 2 CFR 200. Per 2 CFR 200.444, OIA cannot provide funding to the Judicial or Legislative branches of local governments.Please see the Application Package Checklist in the application instructions.

The Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) is requesting proposals for its Technical Assistance Program
(TAP) which provides grant funding for short-term projects intended to meet the immediate
needs of the insular areas.
The top priorities for this Administration include, but are not limited to: climate change
(including food and water security), disaster planning and response, energy production,
natural and cultural resources, youth programs, health initiatives and health IT systems,
public safety/emergencies, data improvements and invasive species management.
Other priorities for this Administration include, but are not limited to: accountability,
financial management, economic development, education, management control initiatives,
capacity building, and information technology.
TAP grants are not intended to supplant local funding of routine operating expenses of an insular
government or organization or to be used for construction projects. “Routine operating expenses”
include the purchase of office supplies and equipment upgrades, such as new computers, that are
not necessitated as part of a broader project, such as the installation of new financial
management software. TAP grants are not intended to fund the salaries of local, existing,
employees (see Section D. Application Restrictions) though they may be utilized to provide
temporary short-term expertise if approved in the proposal budget.
TAP funding is not intended for purchase of standard or routine vehicles though specialized
vehicles, such as ambulance or fire trucks, may be considered. Costs associated with providing
training should be limited to permanent career staff.
OIA’s limited grant funding should not, in general, be used to fund the training costs, including
travel costs, of insular area political officials with limited terms or appointments.




Source Type:


Tired of searching for grants? Consider a Scouting Report.

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