Projects of National Significance: Achieving Economic Mobility
July 18, 2023
May 28, 2024
Award Floor:
Match Required?
Entity Types:
State governments, County governments, City or township governments, Special district governments, Independent school districts, Public & State controlled institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Public housing authorities, Native American tribal organizations, Nonprofits (with 501(c)(3) status), Nonprofits (without 501(c)(3) status)
These projects will be funded under the Projects of National Significance (PNS) within the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. The project will focus on achieving economic security and mobility for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The purpose of the project may include providing aid to transition youth with intellectual and developmental disabilties, funding employment and postsecondary education opportunties, and / or assiting with assistive technology devices that may needed to help meet employment goals. Overall, these projects will create opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to directly and fully contribute to, and participate in, all facets of community life; and support the development of national and State policies that reinforce and promote, with the support of families, guardians, advocates, and communities, of individuals with developmental disabilities, the self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life of such individuals.Projects funded under this announcement will work toward one or more of the following performance measures:Outcome Measure 1: Number of policies changed to improve the experience of people with ID/DD and their families Output Measure 1.1: Number of people who participated in policy advocacy activities Output Measure 1.2: Number of trainings about policy implemented Output Measure 1.3: Number of policy products created Output Measure 1.4: Number of times policy products were sharedOutcome Measure 2: Number of people with ID/DD and their families who report new or increased leadership roles Output Measure 2.1: Number of tools and resources created related to leadership by people with I/DD and their families Output Measure 2.2: Number of tools and resources shared related to leadership by people with I/DD and their families Output Measure 2.3: Percent of people with I/DD and their families who reported learning new leadership skills Output Measure 2.4: Number of people with I/DD and their family members who train or mentor others as leaders or advocatesOutcome Measure 3: Percent of people with ID/DD and their families who reported increased knowledge of supports needed to help them achieve the life they want Output Measure 3.1: Number of trainings held to increase knowledge of supports available to help achieve a desired life Output Measure 3.2: Number of resources created to increase knowledge of supports available to help individuals achieve the life they want Output Measure 3.3: Number of resources shared to increase knowledge of supports available to help individuals achieve the life they wantOutcome Measure 4: Number of data resources accessed Output Measure 4.1: Number of data resources created Output Measure 4.2: Number of activities to disseminate data