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S. H. Cowell Foundation

S. H. Cowell Foundation







Award Floor:


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The S.H. Cowell Foundation makes grants in neighborhoods, communities and towns in Northern and Central California.Proposed projects and programs must address at least one of the main program areas of interest: Family Resource Centers, Youth Development, K-12 Public Education, and Affordable Housing. They also must be located in communities that exhibit potential for grantmaking in at least three of Cowell’s main program areas.Prospective communities must also meet all of the following place-based funding criteria:* Poverty in the affected community is acute and widespread, as evidenced for example by the number of students who qualify for the free and reduced lunch rate at the local schools.* The community has a strong “sense of place” arising from such factors as its location, its history, and the shared goals and deep-rooted relationships among its residents.* Public and nonprofit service providers have productive working relationships with one another and engage neighborhood residents with a spirit of inclusion and interdependence.* Local leaders champion issues and efforts beyond the scope of their particular roles and agencies, demonstrating commitment to the neighborhood as a whole.The Foundation gives priority to communities that have limited access to private and philanthropic resources. However, it avoids very small towns with declining populations, a lack of economic opportunity and absent or weak government support.Funding inquiries are welcome year-round. Cowell's Board of Directors meets regularly and reviews only those proposals recommended by staff.Please note that it takes a minimum of three to six months for a grant request to develop from an initial letter of inquiry to a full proposal ready for review by Cowell's board.The application process is rigorous, and prospective grantees should expect to work with Cowell staff before, during, and after a formal proposal is submitted. Interested applicants should review the foundation website in detail. There are several requirements and things that should be known before the application process is undertaken. 4/29




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