Single Source: Human Tumor Atlas Network Data Coordinating Center (HTAN-DCC; U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
October 3, 2023
December 5, 2023
Award Floor:
Match Required?
Entity Types:
Small businesses
Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to accelerate sharing of complex single-cell level data with the cancer research community. The Human Tumor Atlas Network Data Coordinating Center (HTAN-DCC) will serve the dual role of network and data coordination. Administratively the HTAN-DCC will be responsible for meeting coordination, including planning and administration of monthly HTAN Steering Committee meetings, monthly HTAN working group meetings, and semi-annual HTAN face-to-face meetings. A focus on HTAN data and tool reusability through the development and deployment of community education resources will outweigh the need for creating additional data sharing infrastructure in the renewal period. Additionally, it is expected that the HTAN-DCC will remain a testbed for important interactions with the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) and will further drive development of CRDC resources required for sharing, interacting with, and integrating across highly multiplexed imaging datasets. The HTAN-DCC will also work closely with the CRDC to ensure all relevant data and metadata is transferred to the CRDC for long-term data sustainability. Just as they did in the first phase of HTAN, these important interactions will benefit a wide scientific community and have the potential to synergize with other NCI and NIH supported programs. A reduced budget request for the HTAN-DCC reflects reuse of infrastructure developed within the first phase of HTAN, while acknowledging that a significant number of nimble and responsive HTAN-DCC personnel are required for data wrangling, ingest, and sharing.