Strengthening National Strategic Information Capacities for HIV and TB in Tanzania under the President;apos;s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
October 5, 2023
February 16, 2024
Award Floor:
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The Award Ceiling for Year 1 is 0 (none). CDC anticipates an Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount of $10,000,000 for Year 1, subject to the availability of funds.Activities implemented through this NOFO will be conducted in Tanzania in support of the PEPFAR program and CDC Tanzanias broader public health efforts. The activities will support a range of critical national strategic information (SI) capacities for HIV and TB. The activities will entail support to the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and its partners to develop, implement, support, evaluate, improve, and sustain health data systems, data collection activities, data quality, and the effective use of data to drive public health impact. Specific activities will be related to implementation of surveys, surveillance systems, operational research, public health evaluations, and health information systems (HIS). The activities will also range across the spectrum of data collection, data management, data quality improvement (DQI), and data analysis through dissemination and the use of data for public health impact. This NOFO aims to increase the availability and use of high-quality SI through a range of data-related activities, such as monitoring and evaluation (M), surveillance, HIS strengthening, data use and visualization, statistical and analytical methods and modeling, and other cross-cutting care, treatment, and HIV/TB data activities. Examples of HIV/TB data activities could relate to: laboratory, program, surveillance and survey, financial, and commodities data.