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Wildlife Corridor and Fish Passage

Wildlife Conservation Board



May 11, 2022







Dependant on number of submissions received, application process, etc.

Award Floor:


Match Required?




Entity Types:

Nonprofit, City or township governments, County governments, Independent School Districts, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Program is seeking proposals for planning or implementation projects that construct, repair, modify, or remove transportation infrastructure or water resources infrastructure improving passage for wildlife or fish. Additional consideration will be given for projects that restore or enhance wildlife mobility or fish passage across barriers whose impacts on migration have been increased by drought conditions.; WCB is seeking projects that restore or enhance habitat in wildlife migration corridors or that remove impediments to fish passage. Examples of project types and their priority are identified below. All projectsmust provide for improved fish or wildlife mobility, and further the objectives of Proposition 68. The Program supports the following priorities: Priority 1: -Construction of wildlife overcrossings and undercrossings in areas where wildlife mortality due to traffic interactions imperil a sensitive species. -Restoration or enhancement of natural habitats that provide a visual screen in wildlife corridors for migrating wildlife species that are sensitive to human presence or to direct wildlife away from roadways and toward existing migration corridors. -Removal of instream impediments to fish passage such as weirs, check dams or other water supply and flood control infrastructure. -Installation of fish friendly culverts, fish ladders, bypass channels or other measures that allow migratory fish to go under, around or over passage barriers. -Planning projects that provide designs and environmental review for future restoration projects at sites that are listed on either of CDFW’s 2020 Wildlife Movement Priority Barrier List or 2019 Fish Passage Priority List. Priority 2: -Installation of fencing or other measures that will direct wildlife away from roadways and toward existing migration corridors. -Planning projects that provide designs and environmental review for future wildlife corridor and fish passage restoration projects at sites that are not listed on either of CDFW’s 2020 Wildlife Movement Priority Barrier List or 2019 Fish Passage Priority List.





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