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USAID/Colombia Energy for Peace (E4P) - Energy Transition for PDETs




January 3, 2023






Award Floor:


Match Required?





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To All Interested Parties: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking feedback through this Request for Information (RFI) from entities interested in the attached technical model for the USAID/Colombia Energy for Peace - Energy Transition for PDETs. USAID will seek to engage the private sector to co-create the model, co-finance, implement and supply reliable and sustainable energy in selected PDETs, based on a portfolio approach to operational efficiency, profitability, and risk management. The purpose of this RFI is to assess the soundness and robustness of the technical conceptual model design. Any interested organizations are invited to provide feedback on the technical model included in Attachment A. This is NOT a Request for Proposals/Applications and is NOT to be construed as a commitment by the U.S. Government to issue any solicitation/notice of funding opportunity or to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of comments/answers on this RFI. Responding to this RFI will not give any advantage to any firm or organization in any subsequent procurement and will not lead to an organizational conflict of interest. Responses will strictly be held confidential. Potential offerors/applicants must not expect a direct response from the U.S. Government to any of the comments/suggestions. Please strictly limit the response to the questions included in Attachment B and to send comments/suggestions related to the document. To expedite our review and be considerate of your time, please keep the response at most five (5) pages in length. Please note not all questions must be answered. Responses to the RFI must be written in English or Spanish and use 11 pt. font. Responses to this RFI must be sent by the closing date and time to Angela Garcia, Acquisition Assistance Specialist, at INDUSTRY DAY CONFERENCE: USAID plans to hold an Industry Day Conference regarding this technical model. All Interested organizations are invited to attend the conference, which will take place from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Bogota local time on February 10, 2023, at a location in Bogota, Colombia. USAID will communicate the precise location of the Industry Day via email to those who RSVP in accordance with the following instructions. The purpose of the Industry Day Conference is to hold an open discussion, including a question-and-answer session, concerning any areas for clarification specific to the anticipated funding opportunity. At a minimum, all the questions included in the RFI will be addressed. The secondary purpose of the Industry Day Conference will be for interested private sector (energy and productive partners) to network and connect for potential collaboration. RSVP Instructions: Please RSVP to confirm your organizations attendance at the Industry Day Conference by January 20, 2023. A maximum of three (3) representatives may attend the Industry Day on behalf of each organization. USAID encourages that organization representatives include technical and financial experts to contribute essential feedback to the model and approach. RSVPs must be sent to Angela Garcia, Acquisition Assistance Specialist at and Contracting Officer Heather Wirick at The email subject line must include the RFI Name and the name of the submitting organization, i.e., RFI-E4P-RSVP for [Organization name]. The RSVP should include the following information for each individual planning to attend: (1) Name of the Organization (2) First and Last Name of Representative/s (3) Title of Representative/s (4) Email address (5) Telephone numbers Additionally, please include any questions you would like to have addressed at the Industry Day Conference, for USAID/Colombia consideration. Attendance at the Industry Day is not a prerequisite to submitting responses to the RFI. Thank you for your interest in USAID/Colombia programs, we look forward to your comments. William Sedlak - Contracting/Agreement Officer




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